Friday, January 15, 2016


Heather preaching, praying and otherwise calling the homeless
in the street to come to Christ Jesus

     “Is she a lay preacher?” someone asked me, “or…”
     “Or what?” I answered somewhat irritated.
     “Or…you know…a real preacher.” 
     I know the bible says, “In your anger, do not sin.” (Ephesians 4:26), so I was trying very hard not to sin! When I hear a statement like that, it reminds me how far we have to go to reach unity in the body of Christ.
     “She is as real a preacher as God has made her.  It is not a Bible College Degree that makes you a preacher of the Word of God, and it’s not a “church” which anoints someone with a gallon of “anointing” oil that makes one go out to serve the Living God.  It’s God who chooses, sanctifies, ordains, anoints, teaches, prunes, sifts, and otherwise makes a preacher – Bible College or not!” I retorted.  “It’s your kind of insulting attitude that leaves a lot of saints from coming forth to use their gifts to the fullest when called of God.”
      At that moment I remembered a word of prophecy the Lord had given me a few years back, “There is coming a time when the general and the private in the Lord’s army will be toiling side by side, shoulder to shoulder, with not one above the other, but both humbly working in unity towards the same purpose.”
     “Lay” is a word that was invented to belittle humble servants of the Lord, and magnify those proud ones who received training in man’s college or university.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for stirring the gift which is within you; I’m all for education.  But, the derogatory word “lay” as an adjective for a person (e.g. a lay preacher) is not to be found anywhere in my bible!  Imagine calling the uneducated twelve disciples (the very founders of the church) “lay” preachers!
     When I first saw Heather, the Lord said to me, “Here is a preacher.”
     He did not say, “Here comes a lay preacher!”

This is the first day I saw Heather, in October, 2014.  Here come the preacher!

     Neither did I ask her for her “credentials!”  The Lord said she is a preacher, and that is good enough for me.  The Lord is the one who does the accreditation.  She is in fact a fine preacher, and getting better with time, as she stirs up the gift within her 
(2 Timothy 1:6)!  God made room for her in our ministry so she could exercise her gifts.  All of you have gifts and the church should encourage you to develop and exercise your own spiritual gifts to be used in the church; but mostly beyond the walls of the church. 

The Lord said she is a preacher, and that is good enough for me!

      Heather more than understands the homeless to whom she preaches – she loves them.  Most would not dare to go where she goes to preach the message of a loving God whom we worship.  You can tell by the crowd that walks miles to come and hear her that she is sought after and appreciated, not just for the meals served or for the clothes handed out, but for the Word of God which she lovingly and clearly preaches.  There is a certain holy awe amongst the homeless when Heather or Scott serve them communion at their services.

Heather serving communion!

Scott explaining communion to the homeless congegation!

     Yes, Scott goes in the streets also!  Of course, he and Heather were married in May of 2015, and now compromise the Heather and Scott ministry team!  Both are called to preach, among other gifts which are manifested in the both of them.  According to God’s direction, I eventually handed them that part of my ministry that they may grow in it, and grow it beyond what they would have ever expected.  “Go…” Jesus said, and they are going.

Scott leading a homeless man to the Lord!  Praise God!

      My job as a pastor is not to expand my ministry, but to expand the ministry of those who respond to God’s call to “Go…!”

Phyllis serving the bread of communion to the awed homeless!

       But, why stop here?  Scott’s mom, Phyllis, had been looking for a place to serve the Lord and found it in the ministry to the homeless…with Scott and Heather!  Her cheerful and loving addition is the sweet flavor in the Bread of Life served to the homeless.  The homeless love her radiance and energy as she ministers to them.  Go Phyllis!  Go!

Phyllis and grand-son Anthony dishing out banana pudding!

Anthony serving the Lord by serving the homeless!

     But, wait!  Who is this?  I am told he is very quiet and shy.  Are you kidding?  Look at Anthony (Scott’s son) talk to all the homeless!  Even Scott was surprised.  At twelve, Anthony is already an accomplished cook.  Yes, and he also makes great cakes!  He loves to dish out the food as he serves the Lord by serving the homeless.

Heather introducing Pastor Andy to the homeless!

     This past weekend’s pleasant surprise was the guest speaker, Pastor Andy – the Assistant Pastor at Living Truth Church in Chumuckla, Santa Rosa County (Heather and Scott’s church).  His timely and wonderful sermon on the leper, which Jesus touched and healed, had rapt attention from the homeless, though the weather was cold and breezy. (You CAN wear a hat to stay warm as you preach, you know, Pastor Andy.  In the church in the street, it’s OK!)

Pastor Andy compassionately preaching about the leper that Jesus touched and healed!

The church in the street!

People get saved on cold days, too!

     How rare it is to see a church actually reaching out to touch the homeless by supporting Heather and Scott, et al.  How I rejoice to see a church that supports and encourages a ministry to the least of these.  Blessed are you, Living Truth Church because you have reached out to the poor, as Jesus did!  Blessed are you because you have helped feed and clothe the poorest of the poor.  Blessed are you because you have made it possible for the lost, the least and the last to receive eternal life through the preaching of the Word of God in the street.  I pray a special blessing upon you that you may prosper and receive a special and powerful visit from the Holy Spirit to encourage, comfort and strengthen you.  Let that be a sign to you that you are a unique church for your loving attention to the poor.

(Left to right) Pastor Andy, Phyllis, Heather, Scott, Anthony.  Lord, bless Living Truth Church, as they seek to bless your Holy Name in the streets of Pensacola.

     On any given Sunday, I may also find Holly McClain of Caring Hearts Meals Mission.  She and the gang from Pen Air (Federal Credit Union) come every Sunday morning to feed the homeless.  They GO in the street to meet, minister to, and otherwise love on the homeless who appreciate them very much.  The Lord said, “Go…” and they GO!  Praise God!  May you be blessed abundantly in the coming year, Holly.  And may all who go with you to minister to the homeless be richly blessed.

Holly McClain (blond, third from left) of Caring Hearts Meals Mission, and the Pen Air gang!
The Lord said, "Go!" and they Go!

     From time to time, I cross path in the streets with Debbie Sanspree who also feeds the homeless children whom God loves so much.  She has been ministering to them for the past seventeen months and is now led by the Lord to expand the number of homeless she is feeding.  She is looking for new routes to access many of the other homeless camps.  God bless you and those that go with you, Debbie!

Debbie Sanspree (in brown) and clan, joyfully ministering to the homeless in Pensacola

     With over 900 homeless in Escambia County, there is never enough people like Heather and Scott, Phyllis, Holly and Debbie to take care of all our sheep.  In a city whose administration doesn’t cares for the homeless at all, these ministers of God who bring love to the homeless are a blessing to the Lord.
     Thank God, there are also a number of churches and organizations in Pensacola which minister to the needs of the homeless.  However, the Lord said, “Go…” and there is always a greater need for those saints of God who obey the Lord and are led to this ministry of love.  Blessed are you if you obey and go.
     If you doubt that you can go, are not sure if you can do this, or if you want to increase the effectiveness of your ministry in the street, please read my book The Spark in the Street: Revival Through Ministering to the Homeless and the Poor! (proceeds help the ministry to the homeless).

Well, good night, y’all, and God bless you.