THE WORD...Free Chapt.

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Copyright © 2015 Jean-Luc

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ISBN: 1517145236      ISBN 13: 9781517145231                                                                                                                               Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914631  Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston, South Carolina                                                                                                         

The Word In The Street

12 Amazing Prophecies To Prepare You
For The Coming Great Revival



CHAPTER one              The Harvest
CHAPTER two              The Four Waters
CHAPTER three            The Golden City
CHAPTER four              The Reformation
CHAPTER five               Find A Hospital
CHAPTER six                The Anointing
CHAPTER seven           Open Your Gifts
CHAPTER eight            Sound The Alarm!
CHAPTER nine             The Cleansing Fire
CHAPTER ten               Come Set Us Free
CHAPTER eleven          For The Joy Set Before You
CHAPTER twelve          Earthquake:  Get In The Street!

APPENDIX A       Rapture Around The Corner    
APPENDIX B       Walking On Streets Of Gold
APPENDIX C       The Remnant In America

The Word in the Street

     Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of something moving to my right in the clear, evening, autumn sky.  It was not exactly to my right. I had to look up above a large oak tree across the street to notice a moving, shiny, white speck growing in size as it was approaching me.
     It appeared to be coming straight towards me.  It was clearly not a smudge on my glasses or a ray of light from the street light, as I had first thought it might have been.  In the church parking lot, I eased my brisk walk to a slow, hesitant pace.  I didn’t feel that I was looking at an anomaly, as much as it was looking at me! 
     What seemed to be zooming in on me had the shape of a white, iridescent pearl.  The shimmering light gave the slight appearance of motion within the pearl.  I thought that this must be one expensive pearl!
     As I headed towards my truck, I could now see motion within the glowing, white ball which appeared to be gradually descending towards me.  Outlines in the radiant white circle were now starting to take shape, but I could still not yet see what it was.
     It was definitely headed straight for me, if it did not change its course.  I had no thought of running.  I wanted to see and be able to explain what I saw.
     I stopped walking just before I reached my truck and slowly turned around to face what was coming. 
     Not wanting to take my focus off of this perplexing target, I had not noticed that I was no longer standing in a parking lot, but on the top of a large hill!  With cars, buildings and streets now gone, only clouds surrounded this bare, grassy hill. 
     There were clouds beneath the summit of this high hill with a few puffy ones floating far above it.  Between those puffy clouds approached something which, strangely enough, gave me no fear. I was mesmerized by the eloquent motion of the now distinguishable shape.
     My eyes were wide open, though it was with my heart that I was seeing.  No! It was with the Spirit within me that I was truly seeing.  A man does not see such sights by his own strength. 
     I could now discern a white horse gracefully galloping down from above, through the clouds. On this horse’s back, riding bareback, was The Rider in a white robe.
     As I watched the horse and The Rider come into view, I frowned, pondering if the slight anger I felt within was justified!
     I had been in church for this evening’s worship service.  It had been so wonderful to be with all the saints of God, singing, worshipping, and praising the Lord Jesus Christ.  I loved it when the congregation rested in the Lord and gently sang in spontaneous unity.  What a blessed moment that had been.  I had let myself become fully involved – heart, soul and mind – in the song “We Will Ride.”  It was such a moving song. 
     The song was about Jesus riding a white horse across the land and calling the saints to ride with Him.  And, of course, the saints reply, “Yes!” that they will ride with Him.  It was a well-balanced song with a perfect subject, a catchy melody, perfect harmony and a bass you could feel in your gut.  I loved the bass.
     After the song was over, it came upon me that the words to the song may not have been scriptural.  Jesus doesn’t ride a horse across the land asking for the saints to ride with him!  I pondered how I could have so easily allowed myself to get so completely caught up in a lie.  I had what I felt to be…righteous anger.
     I left the evening service right after that song.  I had to get up very early the next morning. I went out through the front door of the church, and walking across the quiet parking lot, I heard the sound of the worship music dimming behind me, as I headed for my truck.
     A magnificent white horse descended between the clouds and came to rest in front of me on top of the hill.  There was no saddle, no reins nor bit – nothing on this royal horse except King Jesus, who was wearing a simple white robe which came down midway between His knees and ankles.  I couldn’t tell if Jesus had a belt, but I could see that He was barefoot!
     The horse walked up and stopped sideways right by me.  There were no audible commands from Jesus – no hand motion.  Jesus rested His right hand on the long, wavy crest of this devoted beast.  The horse perfectly understood its Rider.  They had perfect and instant communication. 
     I was to the left of the horse with Jesus looking at me.  Jesus simply asked me to hop right behind Him on the horse (as if I could jump that high!).  I did not see His lips move, and there were no sound waves moving through the air towards my ear.  Nevertheless, I heard Jesus loud and clear.
     At first, I rebuked the vision in the name of Jesus Christ.  This could not be of the Lord!  I could think of no instance where this had ever happened in the Scriptures.  The devil was playing with me!
     Jesus smiled.  Extending His left hand, He again told me to grab His hand and jump on the horse, and ride behind Him.
     I answered with authority, “No!  I rebuke you, Satan.  That cannot be!  It is not scriptural.  I am not worthy to ride on the same horse with my Lord Jesus. Jesus would not do that!”
     Jesus still had a smile on His face; almost a grin.  But, again, He told me so gently and lovingly, yet firmly, to get on His horse.
     Again, I said that I could not get on the horse with Jesus because I had never read anywhere where anyone had done that.  I had very recently come to be perplexed with the slogan “We’ll ride with you, Lord” which had just been sung in church. I was not going to be fooled again.
     Satan is so clever; this could be his work.  He could come as an angel of light.  I continued to test the vision.  By now, though, the vision should have disappeared if it was not of the Lord, for Satan had been resisted in the name of Jesus.
    This was not a hazy vision full of transparent people.  This was not a wishy-washy, topsy-turvy sort of Alice-in-Wonderland world.  The horse was real.  The Rider was solid; His gaze had depth.  He was real.  All five senses were involved in this vision.  I could feel the ground and the gentle breeze moving the clouds; I could smell the pure air. I was there. This was not the glorious vision of Jesus which John, the Apostle, described in the book of Revelation.  This was the very real and gentle person of Jesus.  He has always appeared to me in this manner.
     After I refused again, the Lord said to me, “If you don’t get on…” Jesus had His left arm extended to me, leaning slightly towards me, on the left of His horse, “…then you can’t do any of this coming revival.
     Then, I suddenly answered decisively, “Take me, Lord!”
     I took the Lord’s extended hand with my left hand and Jesus pulled me up effortlessly on His horse, behind Him.  I had ridden a horse before and I knew what that felt like.  I was presently riding a horse! I could feel the horse beneath me.  I uncomfortably sat with a little space between the Lord and me, not daring to securely hold on to Jesus!  How or what would I hold on to when the horse moved forward?  Would I hold on to Jesus?  Unthinkable!
     This is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, our Redeemer who died on the cross for us, the Creator of the Universe who stands at the right hand of God.  This is the King of Kings who will rule for ever and ever.  His glory…
     Suddenly the horse galloped away and I almost fell off the back of the horse.  I instinctively grabbed Jesus around his waist, and then held on to Him tighter, as the horse bounded down the hill, into the air and off the hill.
     We galloped through the heavens and headed down through the clouds and towards Earth.
     I felt the motion of the horse as I hugged my Lord Jesus ever tighter.  I felt the slight weightlessness, as we dropped down toward the Earth, passing one cloud after another.
     “Oh, the Glory of the Lord!” I was thinking.  “How would I be able to share this with anyone?  Who would ever believe me?” 

     I next found myself standing there, by my truck in the parking lot of the church, gazing up at the night sky with a faraway, dreamy look in my eyes; my arms hanging limply by my side.  Whereas there had been a refreshing, slight breeze in the vision, now the air in the parking lot was still and humid. 
     Much time passed before I could move at all.  Finally, I slowly turned around, opened the door to my truck and sat in the driver’s seat, which was as real to me as the horse I had just ridden with my Lord Jesus Christ.

Part 2
Why a Vision?

     I will tell you about this vision, and then you be the judge.  And judge you must! 
     Is this vision true?  Is the Word of God true?  Is Jesus Christ real?  Are we in the very end times?  Is there a great revival coming?  Will you be part of it – will you “do” it?  Are God’s people now sleeping with the enemy in a bed of complacency, and need to be woken up?  And the big question; does God really speak to His people?
     This vision (in fact, this whole book) is NOT about me.  This is not an autobiography.  I pray that everything I share with you in this book points to Jesus Christ as our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, and to the coming Revival.  Nevertheless, I must reluctantly use the words “I,” “me” and “my” only to let you know how the Lord communicated in various ways with me concerning issues and events which are about to come to pass – events for which you are called to prepare.
     Hearing and seeing my Lord Jesus Christ is something I have dealt with as far back as I can remember (five years old).  I have never asked for it.  I do not now nor have I ever asked the Lord to show me visions, dreams or prophecies.  I don’t control it.  I am a servant.  God decides when, where, what and how He wants to communicate with me.
     Many of you have a similar unshared testimony of Jesus Christ.  It is now time to unashamedly share with the world the revelation of the Lord given to you.  You will find that God has spoken with Holy Spirit unity to millions of saints of God like you who are eagerly hearing Him.  Do not fear those who come against you (especially family!).  Boldly speak to others what God has given you and you will find confirmation that God truly speaks to His people, as other saints of God acknowledge to you the same experience or vision.
     I am a spoiled child of God, perhaps as you are!  I have “seen” so much, as shown to me by the Lord.  I believe, in part, because I have seen.

“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  John 20:29 

     If you are a saint of God who does not “see” visions, or Jesus, or heaven, or angels, count yourself blessed if you believe in your Savior, Jesus Christ, and in the great things He is going to do in your life.  Great is your faith and great is your reward!  If nowhere else, Jesus does reveal Himself completely through the Scriptures.  Read the Word – that comes first.  In fact, if you have not read your Bible within the past twenty-four hours, put this book down right now; go pick up your Bible and read it instead!
     Saints of God, believe in Jesus not because of visions, dreams, words or prophecies, but because you believe the Bible; the Word of God.  Any “extra” way God wants to speak to you places the Scriptures under a magnifying glass so you may have a clearer understanding.  When God speaks to you, it is to magnify the Word of God.  If a prophecy does not do that, then it is not of God.  Discard it in the trashcan of falsehood and confusion.
     As I speak to you about the vision of the white horse and the Rider, do not dwell on the vision as much as you should dwell on the LESSON of the vision.  What scripture has been magnified?  What lesson is meant to be amplified?  Speak more about that with one another, rather than the “amazingness” factor of the vision.  The “Wow!” and the “Aha!” should be applied to the higher level of spiritual understanding the Lord wants you to acquire, rather than to the vision itself.
     Do not live in the “experience” of the vision, but in the interpretation of it; the teaching content of the vision; the “exposition;” as to which spiritual/biblical facts are exposed. The vision is meaningless if it does not cause you to grow in your relationship with Christ Jesus.  
     Seek “exposition” over “experience.”
VISION:  A mental representation or manifestation of objects, scenes, etc., as in a spiritual revelation or visitation.  You may experience one or all of the following during a vision; sight, sound, feel, touch, smell, motion, interaction or just observation.
A “WORD:” Spoken divine revelation; God talks to you through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or He may send an angel, or you may just hear a voice “within” you, or an audible voice:  Jesus is the embodiment of divine revelation – The Word of God.
PROPHECY:  A religious truth or prediction given under divine influence and direction; may be through a “word,” dream or a vision.
TO PROPHESY:  To proclaim one of the above

“But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.”  1 Corinthians 14:3

     My prayer for you is that this book may strengthen, encourage and comfort you in Christ Jesus.  Prophecy is not always about far future events.  You may receive a word of prophecy to encourage you for today.  Or, you may be given a word of comfort to help you make it through a rough night.  Or, you may be given a prophecy to help you understand a puzzling passage of Scripture which is important for your life in Christ.
     In these last days, however, the Lord is speaking to many saints of God about preparations to be made now in order to be ready for the soon-to-come Revival.  Jesus is strengthening you to prepare His bride (you; the saved) for His coming in the clouds.  More often than not, His strengthening is to the point and radical.  If you are proud, He will humble you.  If you are impatient, He will teach you patience.  If you want to go left when you should go right, He will redirect your path.  Allow Him, though these actions may sometimes be painful changes to experience.  Not everyone accepts these changes - to their detriment (they are going to be hurting or suffering loss – Ezra 4:22).
     Prophecy is not always pleasant and openly welcomed.  God will mess up your life!  Let Him.

I Did Not Ask For This!
     Before the vision of the horse and the Rider, I was very comfortable worshipping in the church building.  There is nothing wrong with that unless Jesus wants to talk to you alone!  Many times, the Lord would speak to me in church, especially during the worship service.  But in this instance, it was to be one on one. 
     Perhaps He had called me and I had not heard Him, so involved was I in that one song.  Though the institutional “church” can be a wonderful experience for us, it is sometimes necessary to step out of the church walls and into the “street.”  Sometimes it may be difficult to pull ourselves from family, friends, padded pews, air conditioning, a safe environment, great music, good teaching or preaching, or even provided food!  In this particular moment, Jesus wanted my undivided attention; and He got it!
     Jesus did not come to me suddenly in the parking lot, but approached gradually.  He gave me time to be able to get ready in the Spirit for me to receive Him at that moment.  Jesus allowed my heart to ponder the vision before it happened. The Holy Spirit does prepare you to receive a vision.  After all, I was in a parking lot of the church – freaking out at such a sight was not an option!
    There were times when a vision would come upon me unexpectedly.  At those times, I was in a safe place at home, for example.  A powerful vision would come and render me helpless for the next few days, as it did with Daniel after he received such a vision:

“I, Daniel, was exhausted and lay ill for several days.”  Daniel 8:27

     In these carnal bodies, humans can handle so very little of the touch of the Lord!  I’m sure God knows that.  Do not fear, but trust the Lord completely during a vision.  Trust God’s Word.  He will strengthen you and give you understanding.

     Saints of God, there is going to be a tremendous Revival coming very soon to this world of ours (it is, in fact, already here).  The majority of the prophecies the Lord has given me since my youth concern this coming Revival.  In the past, if I diverted from that God-given goal in my spirit – in my heart – God would gently correct my course (and sometimes, not so gently!). 
     Not fully understanding the Scriptures that day of the vision, I had said in my heart, “No, Jesus doesn’t come to us in a white horse; and we certainly do not ride with Him!” Jesus corrected my error without saying a word, but by appearing to me on a white horse!

The Meaning

     In the vision of the horse and the Rider, Jesus told me to get on His horse.  He was challenging my theology.  Listen, saints of God – YOUR theology will not get you there, or anywhere.  We must read, understand, follow and obey the Word of God.  If you are willing, Jesus will insure that you do.  The Holy Spirit must be your Teacher.  There is no other way to the Revival.
     Jesus extended His hand to help me on His horse.  He was showing me that I cannot have part in this Revival on my own.  We cannot “do” revival on our own – the church can’t, your pastor can’t, a brand name evangelist can’t, and a great marketing campaign cannot bring revival, either.  God has a plan on how to do this Revival.  This coming Revival will originate totally with our Lord Jesus Christ.  It will be the real thing, as we wait on Him and completely trust in Him.  It will be what we have been waiting for and it will glorify the Holy Name of Jesus.
     My theology was pushing Jesus away and the purpose he had in me.  I thought I was rebuking (correcting) Satan to ward off a false vision.  But had I known the necessary Scriptures at that time, I would have more readily and completely accepted the presence of Jesus at that moment.  Of course, Jesus wasn’t fazed and lovingly waited until I recognized the error of my ways.

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True…his name is the Word of God.  The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”  Revelation 19: 11, 13, 14

If you don’t get on…” Jesus had His left arm extended to me, leaning slightly towards me, on the left of His horse, “…then you can’t do any of this coming revival.”
     Jesus didn’t preach to me.  He didn’t tell me how wrong I was.  He didn’t argue with me.  He didn’t ban me from His presence or forsake me.  Instead, He was gentle with me, as a real shepherd should be.  He was loving.  He was patient.  He showed me the needed correction.  And He is doing the same to you!  This is the kind of action we expect from our pastors. 
     You cannot do “it” (God’s work) by yourself.  Search the Scriptures, as I do after every encounter with Jesus.  The Master Teacher is called “Faithfull and True.”
     Everything you do in Christ Jesus has forward momentum.  You are headed into a predicted future reuniting with Jesus, as He comes in the clouds to gather you to Himself (the rapture).  But first, you are headed into an amazing Revival when the Holy Spirit will be working through you in word and in power.  Every prayer, every vision or word of prophecy, every Scripture we read, every worship time, every time we share the Word of God – every one of those things, and more, move you toward The Revival and your eternity with Jesus Christ.

‘“Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’  And he added, ‘These are the true words of God.’”  Revelation 19: 9

     With the simplicity that a human can understand, the Lord reaches out to you with His hand and His strong arm; and tells you to get on HIS horse (not yours) and ride with Him. You must get off your own “high horse,” and humbly submit to Jesus.  He is NOT riding with YOU, on your horse!  That’s not how it works.  God forbid! You will even be pulled up unto His horse by the Master’s own hand.  Jesus is the only way that you will be used powerfully in this Revival; with signs, wonders and miracles such as the world has never seen.
     After Jesus speaks of preparing a place for us in heaven and coming back to take us there, He says:

“You know the way to the place where I am going… I am the way and the truth and the life.”  John 14: 4, 6

     Concerning this coming Revival, you do nothing of your own.  He is the way, the truth and the life of The Revival.  Jesus will tell you where to go, what to say and what to do.  It was so during the first revival almost 2,000 years ago; and it will be so during the last Revival to the gentiles.

“If you love me, you will obey what I command.”  John 14: 15
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.”  John 14: 1
“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he see his Father doing because whatever the Father does the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.  Yes, to our amazement he will show him even greater things than these.”  John 5: 19, 20

     Even Jesus couldn’t do His Revival without the Father telling Him where to go, what to say and what to do.  Neither can you do The Revival on your own.
    A vision given to me by the Lord is never my own – it does not belong to me.  Once I have received it and confirmed it correct and Scriptural, then I have an obligation to give it to you.  I give it to you now in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
     Now, let us move on to Chapter One and the first prophecy the Lord wants you to have, so that you may know how to prepare for the coming Revival; that the bride of Christ may be made ready for His coming.

     Each prophecy and the explanation thereof stands on its own.  What I am saying is that you may see the same Scripture appearing in more than one chapter.  By their repetition, these Scriptures may reveal to you a theme of this book – a direction leading us towards important Revival preparation.

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.”
Amos 3:7


The Harvest

Part 1

     One morning, while reading my Bible, sitting on my sofa in my living room, the Lord suddenly takes me up and brings me before him.  It’s not that I was sitting there and suddenly saw Jesus in my living room.  It’s not that He appeared where I was sitting so I could see Him.  He TOOK me UP in the blink of an eye!  I always assumed it was up to heaven somewhere.  I’ve never asked.
     I want you to understand that Jesus did not take my earthly body – it can’t go where Jesus took me.  He took me up in the Spirit.  If someone had walked into the room at that time, they would have seen me with a blank look on my face, sitting motionless on the sofa…probably gazing up at the ceiling!  I have brothers who have caught me in such a position when I was “gone” talking to the Lord.
     My real identity is my spirit.  My earthly body is just how my spirit is “dressed” while I’m on earth.  The real me is the spirit me.  When I get to heaven for eternity, the Lord will give me a new, perfect body – I will be “dressed” differently than here on Earth, though I will look similar enough that I would be recognizable.  I now have an imperfect earthly body; I will then have a perfect spiritual body in heaven.

“Now we know that if the earthly tent (body) we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house (spiritual body) in heaven, not built by human hands.
Meanwhile, we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling (body), because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked (there are no naked spirits!  Upon death, the change from earthly to spiritual body is instantaneous).  For while we are in this tent (earthly body), we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling (body), so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life (eternal).                1 Corinthians 5:1-4 (The words in parenthesis are mine, of course)

     I am standing before my Jesus and I say to Him, “What is it, Lord?”  I’m standing in a different place than in my living room.  I suddenly find myself in a completely different setting.  There is light, but not from the sun or moon.  There are no shadows.  The sky is dark, rather than blue, though it is not night.
     However, all I see presently is Jesus’ face.  As I look upon Him, I know that there is more to the vision than just Jesus’ face.  He has a look which seems to tell me that He wants me to seek, ask and knock.  He’s not going to easily tell me all I need to know.  I feel that in this vision, we will interact – it’s question and answer time!

     So I ask Him to show me more, that I may understand and know what He wants of me.  I am not here simply for my enjoyment.  There is something here I need to know.  I’m curious and excited!...

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