This Revival, which the Lord has been speaking to me (and many others, also), cannot be compared to any revivals you may have seen, heard of, or been to. This Revival is a continuance of what God is doing and it will bring peace, healing, miracles and exploits through the working of the gifts in the saints (the saved - YOU). The result of The Revival will result in many coming to the knowledge of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:18,19
See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Isaiah 42:9
This Revival will involve saints of all sizes, ages, colors, denominations and nationalities. Pastors who allow this Revival will stand in awe as the members of their congregation (you) are used mightily in word and in power – in miraculous ways. No church, evangelist or revivalist will “own” this Revival. Jesus will be the author and administrator of this Revival. This Revival is for all churches and denominations who worship the Lord Jesus Christ in truth and in spirit. You are the clay vessels in which there are abundant treasures (II Corinthians 4:7), and the Lord Jesus will use YOU!
The participants in this Revival have no age limit. The very young to the very old can and will be used of the Lord. A bible college degree is not a prerequisite (in fact, it could even be a hindrance.) The Lord, through the Holy Spirit, will be your teacher. This is a Revival with biblical and spiritual integrity. It will not be chaotic or confusing. Every word, work, miracle, healing – every one of your actions and words – will point to Jesus Christ as Lord of all for the salvation of souls.
The Lord has already spoken to your heart about this Revival. Many of you know the gifts of the spirit which are in you and are longing to have them manifested in your life and used to God's Glory. The Lord has put a longing deep within your soul to preach, teach, prophesy, heal the sick, be a missionary, sing or play instruments, evangelize, hold home meeting, plant churches, or be an intercessor, etc. But, for one reason or another, you have found it difficult, if not impossible, to start your ministry in your life (or in the church) or release your gifts and calling. Please, do not give up or doubt if it really was the Lord speaking to your heart. You may have come to a point where you wondered if these were just your own thoughts. The Lord's gifts and calling are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). He HAS gifted you and He WILL use you.
The Lord will release those gifts in you so your longing to serve Christ Jesus will be fulfilled. Your gifts are God's grace through you (Ephesians 4:7-8). After your gifts are released in power by the Lord, you, in turn, will pray that other saints will be empowered in their God-given gifts. You will be "endued" with power. The Lord has called many saints like you to be part of this Revival. Believe me, He has a way to do this, to do it speedily and with power from on High (Isaiah 60:22, Rom 9:28). Jesus will do it.
This Revival is not about making money. It is not about pride and self-glory. It is not about chaos. It is not about how many saints a preacher can lay hands on to see them fall on the floor. It is, in fact, a time to STAND bravely and stay standing to worship Him and do the work of the Lord as a valiant soldier in His army - with love and compassion.
This Revival is about the abundant love of Christ in us and through us. It is about worshiping in truth and in spirit. It is about keeping our eyes on Him, forgetting about ourselves and concentrating on Jesus. It is about humbleness and forgiveness. Yes, this Revival is about love and humbleness. That is, for the most part, what activates the gifts of the spirit and empowers the saints (I Corinthians 13:2).
The Gospel originated in Israel, has gone around the globe, and will return to Israel (Romans 11:25). But it will not return to Israel until the “fullness of the gentiles has come in.” That is, until every gentile that is supposed to be saved is saved.
Yet, we are not the last revival. Israel will have the last revival and be saved. We have the second to last Revival! God has a plan on how to do this. It's Plan “A.” It has always been Plan “A.” There is no plan “B.” It's not complicated.
Theologians, educated religious leaders, pastors, evangelists and revivalists who think highly of themselves have complicated the subject of revival and how to be used of the Lord. The Lord, however, has made it so simple, a child can be used of the Lord powerfully. In fact, the Lord loves to use the simple (you and me!) to confound the wise.
I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. Luke 10:21
I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. Luke 10:21
To recap, this Revival has two main goals which I will explain further in the other tabs (WHEN?, WHERE?, HOW?) and in the blog postings over time:
- Releasing the working of God's gifts in the saints (that's true revival.)
- Bringing in the fullness of the gentiles (it's closer than you think!)
I pray that we may cross paths, sometime, somewhere on the globe, and I get to meet you so that we may all rejoice together in the work that the Lord Jesus is doing in us and through us. I long to return to Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe and Canada to do the Lord Jesus justice. Either way, whatever happens here on Earth, I WILL see you in heaven. Jesus loves you and I love you.
In the love of Jesus Christ, whom I worship,
Jean-Luc (John-Luke)
And now I will show you the most excellent way. I Corinthians 12:31
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