The Revival is with us now.
     There are many revivals going on now in the United States.  Your can just about write any city's name plus the word “revival” on Google Search and come up with hundreds of revivals in progress at any given moment!  The church is very expectant and striving to satisfy the saints' longing for revival – by having “revival.”  There is inherently nothing wrong with that.  However, there is no Holy Spirit unity present between all of these revivals.  There are hundreds of separate revivals that all operate separately.  Consider all the different churches, the different denominations and the different personalities and geographical areas that are involved.  Only the Holy Spirit is able to bring the saints together for one purpose – The Revival.
     The Holy Spirit's work of uniting the saints of God for The Revival is happening now. It has started.  But, you say, “I feel it but I don't see it.  Where is it?”  
     Consider that when a woman is pregnant, we are not able to see the baby – until it is born.  The baby is with her but it has yet to be born, that is, to be manifested to others.  The Revival is with us now, but it is yet to be manifested.  Why is the Lord Jesus doing this? So we may have time to prepare.

     As preparations must be made for the birthing of a baby, so must we make preparations for The Revival to be born.  Rejoice because the baby is with us now!  We know approximately when a baby will be born.  However, the baby is born at its own discretion.  How many mothers know that?  It comes when IT (he/she) is ready.  And, when it comes, it comes SUDDENLY.
     Such is The Revival.  The baby is now kicking and rolling and wants to come out. That is how close we are.  Let us prepare now because, at the appointed time, The Revival will be upon us SUDDENLY!
     Getting ready is what the Lord Jesus has given the saints to do NOW.  The word of the Lord for this Revival has consistently been, “Get your house in order.  Cleanse the temple of the Lord.”  The “house” refers not only to the church, but to your own house.  The “temple” of the Lord refers not only to the church, but certainly to your own body, your own life.  (The HOW tab deals with how to do this more fully.)  Remember, as God has ordained, this is a Revival FOR the saints and BY the saints (YOU!).  It is, of course, from the Holy Spirit.

     No matter where you live in the world, NOW is the time to get ready for this world-wide Holy Spirit lead Revival.  Now is the time of preparation to finish bringing in the “fullness of the gentiles” (Romans 11:25).   Many saints have been working hard towards that goal for two thousand years.  Many missionaries have sacrificed their lives for that purpose.  Many churches have given and given and given faithfully through the years for that purpose.  What the Lord wants to do now is to bring Holy Spirit UNITY to this last push to the finish line.  The goal is to see the “last” gentile finally saved that we may all glorify the Holy Name of Jesus.  Once the fullness of the gentiles has been reached, the reward for the saints will be the long-awaited meeting with Jesus in the air.  Our work will then be done. Your will hear the words from our Lord Jesus, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23)  Thank you, Jesus!
     NOW is the time to prepare for the imminent birthing of The Revival!  The Lord does not want you to be caught by surprise when that “baby” is born.

     Your brother in Christ who loves you,

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to
his servants...  Amos 3:7
He (God)...reveals his thoughts to man...  Amos 4:13

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