Sunday, November 30, 2014

UNDER THE BRIDGE: Was It A Dare, A Bet, Or God?

Since this blog is being read in about 30 countries, we are greeting one different country every time a post is written.  This week we say, “Hello!” to our brothers and sisters in Norway
“Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled, so that you can pray.  Above all, love each other deeply…”  1 Peter 4:1

Derfor være klart sinn og selvkontroll, slik at du kan be.  Fremfor alt, elske hverandre dypt...

Stosh (sitting) and Mari (standing)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

     Paul and I were standing in the warm sunshine talking with three homeless men at the Palafox Camp when three beautiful young ladies (early college?) who looked like world class models, resolutely walked towards us – even after Mouse, the pit bull, jumped and growled at them.
     I do want to tell you what happened, but I have to first share with you the reason for the above picture.  Then you will have a better understanding of the account of the three pretty maids in the sunshine.
     It’s easy to look at the homeless man (Stosh) and his equally homeless girlfriend (Mari) in the above picture and pass immediate judgment.  You might think, “Girlfriend?  He’s taking advantage of that little girl!”  Well…actually…she’s older than he is.
     You might say, “How can he take care of her without money?”  Well…if the only reason your girlfriend is staying with you is your money, how shallow is your life.  I pity the both of you!
     I guarantee you that whatever judgment you may pass on these two people will be shallow and erroneous (wrong).  Be careful because whichever way you judge them, know that you will be judged in the same manner that you judged them (Matthew 7:2). 
     You say, “Well, then, how should we look at them?”
     With the love of God, saints of God; with the love of Jesus in your heart.
     Today, Sunday afternoon, I ask, “Stosh?”
     “Yea, Jean-Luc.”
     “Did you go to church this morning?”
     “Kind of.”
     “What does, ‘Kind of’ mean?”  I wondered how someone can express doubt if they were in church or not?
     “I went and sat down.  The worship music started.  Then the pastor had different sections of people do different things.”
     “He had one section stand up and sit down.  Then he had the next section say ‘Amen.’  Then another section stomp their feet.  Then another clap their hands.  Then he had them do their thing at different times.  I CAME TO HEAR THE WORD!  WHY ARE THEY PLAYING GAMES?”
     “Did the pastor eventually preach?”
     “I don’t know.  I got tired of his games and left.”
     That, saints of God, sums up the problem with the established church in America.  And that, from the mouth of a homeless man whom God watches over as one of His precious children – one of the “least of these.”
     There are saints around the globe who go to church to hear the Word of God for their dire survival. Christian’s heads are being chopped off, praying families are being shot in the street, and missionaries are being beaten by antichrist mobs and burned alive (all this in the news just the past week!).
     In the largest country on the earth (China), home churches are having their rental contract cancelled and their utilities turned off; and some Christian leaders simply “disappear.”  There are other places in the world where a family member can legally be killed if they convert from Islam to Christianity.  If not killed, they can be thrown out in the street and forgotten.  And the list of persecutions goes on and on.
     The complacent established church in America yawns to hear such stories of persecution in far-away places in the world, not realizing that it is being persecuted itself.  And the “persecutors” are winning. 
     Yawn!  It’s time for another game.

     Three beautiful young ladies, fashionably dressed, came towards the five of us.  Paul and I were casually talking with three homeless men – Chris, John and Jeff.  We dress “down” when we minister to the homeless, which is probably why the three smiling ladies thought there were FIVE homeless men.
     I knew they were not from the local Christian College because their skirts were above their knees!  They also had a radiance about them – a freedom – that said, “I choose to be here.”  I figured they were not from a church group because there was no older church representative with them.  They were unafraid because Mouse, the growling, barking pit bull, failed to stop their advance.  They marched towards us with purpose.
     With a beautiful smile, the first one asked, “Are you hungry?”
     The second one, carrying a heavy case of bottled water asked, “Do you need some water?”
     The third one handed me a sandwich, which I may say, looked appetizing.  I almost took it!
     It took Paul and me by total surprise to be on the receiving end of such a generous act, rather than on the giving end.
     I asked them, “Which church sent you?”
     “A church didn’t send us, though we are from Hillcrest Baptist Church.”
     I asked in a different way, “Is this a ministry you have at your church?”
     “No we’re just doing it ourselves.”
     Here are three beautiful, finely dressed young ladies who brushed aside a frightful pit bull, and fearlessly walked towards five (humor me) grubby homeless men in the street in order to graciously and lovingly offer them food and water.  Today was the warmest Sunday in a month and these ladies could have had the choice from a hundred recreational activities they could have done with friends or family. But they chose to feed the “least of these” in the street!  Was this done in a bet, or a dare?  Or, was it God?
     They dared to go beyond the church walls, out of their comfort zone, and into the street to serve the Lord.  They weren’t somber, but joyful.  They didn’t yawn and wouldn’t play games, either.  The Lord said, “Go!” and they went.


     They are called the uncompromising remnant – the street church – whom God is calling out of the brick and mortar church to be part of His coming, great revival.  For obvious reasons, the present established church (yawn!) is not getting the revival.  This revival of revivals is rising out of the street, as the first revival did 2,000 years ago.  Praise God!  And these three ladies will be part of it.
     I am saying this to you with permission from the Holy Spirit.

     In the above picture, we have Stosh and Mari who are strong believers in Jesus Christ.  Why are they in the street, you ask?  Please read my book “The Spark in the Street,” as I cannot go into those details here at this time.
     Mari went to church this morning, also.  They had a light lunch after church, after which they asked for volunteers to help clean up.  Mari was the first to answer the call, grabbing the vacuum cleaner and joyfully cleaning the carpet.  She is an organizer.
     Last week she ministered to a young 12-year old girl to stay in school and excel in her studies.  At our service and dinner, she is always the first one to help in any way she can, as is Stosh.  Mari is a catalyst for peace in the homeless camp.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth!       Mari is also a disciple of Jesus Christ, and we are training her as such.  She has a loving heart for people in need and she will stop whatever she is doing to minister to anyone.  She also has a hunger for the Word of God.  In fact, she will be speaking on her favorite Psalm at our next service!
      Does she have issues?  Of course – don’t you?
     Mari and Stosh are part of the remnant, also. 

     If, when you first looked at the above picture, you did not judge Stosh or Mari; then you are part of the remnant, also. 
      If your heart immediately reached out to them with the love of Jesus Christ; then I am confident you will be part of The Revival.
     If you looked at their picture, stopped and compassionately prayed for them before reading this blog; then you ARE in revival.

     Good night, and God bless y’all. 

For our Norwegian brothers and sisters:

Kongen skal svare, "jeg fortelle deg sannheten, uansett hva du gjorde for en av minste av disse mine br ° dre, du gjorde for meg."  Matthew 25: 40


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

UNDER THE BRIDGE: The Miracles at the Park!

Since this blog is being read in about 30 countries, we are greeting one country every time a post is written.  This week we say, “Bonjour,” to our brothers and sisters in France (and all other French-speaking countries): Blessings and healing from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him all the glory now and forever!
Bénédictions et la guérison de notre Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus-Christ.  Pour lui, toute la gloire, maintenant et à jamais!

Suzanne (on left, a few Sundays ago) reading her Bible; very shy and very sick!
Suzanne did not look up or speak.

 Sunday, November 23, 2014

     “She’s very sick, you know, she could lose her leg!”  He seemed to be agitated when he said this to me.
     I had never seen him before and I didn’t know who he was.
     “What are you talking about, man?”
     “She’s shy and doesn’t talk much, but you’ve got to know she needs help!”
     He took me by the arm and encouraged me to come and see a lady seated at a picnic table at our end-of-the-month service and dinner.  My ministers were out that day and I was the only one preaching and cooking that afternoon, on the last Sunday of the month.  I had been too busy to notice that someone was hurting physically, and was in need.
     “Suzanne,” he said, “tell him what’s happening to your leg.”
     Suzanne did not look up or speak.
     “She’s shy and won’t ask.”
     “And you’re her manager?”  I asked.
     He turned back to Suzanne without answering my question, “Let him see your leg, Suzanne.”  Then he turned to me and said, “It’s all red and swollen.  She’s got an infection.  She went to the doctor’s this morning, and he gave her a prescription for antibiotics.  But, she can’t afford it.”
     I turned to Suzanne, “Is that true, Suzanne?”  If I was going to help her, I needed more answers.
     “Yes” she softly answered.  At the urging of her friend, she raised her pant leg to her knee so I could see the problem.  Half her lower leg was bright red and the whole leg was swollen.  She was weak and tired.  The doctor had told her she had a staph infection.  She showed me the doctor’s note and prescription.  It was typically not an expensive antibiotic.
     “Do you drink, Suzanne?
     “If I give you the money for the prescription, you won’t buy alcohol or drugs?
     “No, I wouldn’t.”
     “I can’t take you to the pharmacy for another hour or so.”
     But the man jumped in and said, “I can take her now.”
     I don’t usually give money to the homeless.  “Will ten dollars cover the cost of the prescription?”
     “It’s only about six dollars,” she replied weakly. 
     I gave her a ten dollar bill, and then said, “Here’s the money, but I’m going to pray for your healing right now.  Is that all right?”
     “She nodded her head.” 
     I prayed a quick prayer, “Lord Jesus, heal Suzanne’s leg and also all the infection in her whole body.  We trust in you, oh Lord, and give you all the Glory.  In Jesus’s name.  Amen.”
     They left.

     The next Sunday, I saw Suzanne again and asked her about her leg.  This time she was perky, talkative and very active.  She was smiling and did not appear to be “shy” at all.  As I approached her, she lifted the lower portion of her pants to show me the lower leg had all healed up.  She was beaming at me.

She lifted the lower portion of her pants to show
me the lower leg all healed up!

     “So,” I said, “the antibiotics worked?”
     “The prayer worked!” she answered.
     “What do you mean?”
     “It was all healed up the very next morning!  I was completely well!  One dose of antibiotics doesn’t work that fast!” she happily testified.  “However, I did take them for the rest of the week,”
     “Glory to God?”  I asked.
     “Glory to God!” she joyfully replied.
     I never saw the “man” after that first time last week.  Neither did Suzanne.  In fact, she didn’t know who he was, either.

     Bill, Paul and I walked into Jack’s camp to see him sitting in his favorite, beat-up lawn chair under the shade of the oak trees.  But something was wrong.  Not only had all color drained from his face, but he was shaking like a leaf on a tree in a wind storm.  Whereas he normally greets us with a smile and a handshake, he was now frozen to that chair.

Jack during better days, same spot!

     “Brother, are you all right?  How long has this been going on?”  I asked, seriously concerned for his health.
     “If I can get up, I can’t walk ten feet I’m so weak,” he said in a shaky voice.  He was drinking a beer which told me that the shakes were not from the lack of alcohol.  “It started about two weeks ago and got worse every day.” 
     We had come to see him because a few of the other caring homeless had mentioned that Jack looked bad, and all believed that he was dying.  I think that Jack believed that he was dying also.  After seeing him, I thought so too!
     He did not want to go to the hospital.  He was a believer in Jesus Christ; he was saved, and going to heaven.  He did not fear death.
     The Lord had told me a while back that Jack would see the beginning of the great, long-awaited revival that was soon to be upon us, coming out of the street.  Based on that, I knew Jack was not going to die here and now.
     I called Bill and Paul over to Jack, and as we all laid hands on him, I prayed for his healing.  Bill started smiling, feeling “full” of the Holy Spirit.  He felt the reality of the presence of the Lord healing Jack.
     After I prayed, Jack was still in that chair, just as weak.  I told him he must now eat, though he wasn’t hungry.  He had been throwing up everything he had tried to eat.  I thought I would fix him what I eat when I really don’t feel good – homemade, whipped, creamy mashed potatoes with butter, milk and salt.  He agreed.
     I immediately went home and fixed him a big pan of fresh mashed potatoes and took them back to him at his camp within about an hour.
     The next morning, I went to check on him and I see him walking back from the store!  He walks over to me and greets me as if he had never been sick.  What?
     He had eaten half of the pan of mashed potatoes the night before, and the other half for breakfast the next day – and he was feeling fine.  He kept them down and did not throw up.  His color was back, he did not feel weak and he was up and about.  Jack typically walks 20 miles a day looking for aluminum cans to sell for cash!
     He did not share with me until a few weeks later that he HAD been healed instantly.  He could feel his complete healing but was still weak from not having been able to keep any food down for the past week or so.  That’s why when Jesus healed some people, he would say, “Give him something to eat.”
     This was the second time that Jack had been healed by our prayer to our Lord and Healer, Jesus Christ.  Glory to God!

     Then there is the story of the homeless man devastated by the loss of his dog.  But by prayer, the Lord miraculously brought his dog back a week later (read post dated Nov. 12, 2014).  We gave all the glory to God!

     There is also the time the Lord answered my prayer for the rain to stop for our end-of-the-month service and dinner.  The rain stopped EXACTLY when I got there, and started back again exactly when we left (see post dated Sept. 29, 2014).  God glorified Himself through that sign.

     There are many more miraculous signs the Lord has given us in the street to glorify His Holy Name.  I hope to write about many more of them until there finally are so many that I can’t keep up writing about the wonderful Grace of God.  The signs seem to be increasing as time moves forward.  Revival is at hand for those who can truly love the “least of these” with the love of Jesus; and for those who are able to give ALL the glory to God from down deep in their soul for all that He does.
     I feel the earth beginning to slightly shake under my feet.  I am beginning to see a little dust stirring out of the tiny cracks in the street.  An earthquake is coming; a Revival is being birthed.  The Revival is not coming out of the established church, but out of the streets, as it was in Jesus’s days; this Revival is “street filtered.”

      Now, here we are today at the Bay Side Camp at our service and dinner.  All week long, the weather report had forecast a storm with heavy downpours, thunder and lightning, hail and winds of 20-30 miles per hour.  People had called me and said we would not be able to hold our meeting at all.  But, I thought, the homeless will be hungry on that day, and they count on us for a church service and hot food and family fellowship.

They count on us for hot food, fellowship and a church service!

     When I arrived at the pavilion at the camp, it was raining and windy, with heavy clouds threatening above.  The homeless that were there came and quickly offloaded my truck in preparation for the meal.  With Paul and his brother-in-law, Marshal, looking on, I prayed loudly, “Lord Jesus, if it be your will, let the rain stop,” and I began to give all glory and praise to His Holy Name.
     The rain immediately and completely stopped.
     Wondering what had just happened, Paul said, “The rain stopped!” as he looked at Marshal next to him (Marshal had driven from Jackson, Mississippi to be here with us).  A couple of homeless men who noticed, also said the same thing out loud, but as if to themselves.
     I then loudly prayed, raising my hand up, “Lord Jesus, let the sunshine come.  Let the Son shine on us.”  And I began to worship the Lord and glorify His Name again.
     It suddenly got brighter!  Not “sunny,” but definitely brighter.
     Paul, again, looks at me and at Marshal and says, “It just got sunny!”
     I then turn to Paul and Marshal and ask them, “Can we pray for the wind to stop, also?  Are we allowed to do that?” 
     I then prayed aloud again, “Lord, let the wind stop during our service so the Word may be given today.  I know you want your Word to be heard and received.  I believe that to be your will, oh Lord.”  I then praised and thanked Him, again giving Jesus Christ all the glory.
     Nothing happened.  The wind kept on blowing.
     All week long I had called everyone I knew to ask them to pray for our service to be free from the coming rough weather.  I had prayed every day leading to our Sunday.  I prayed Saturday night and Sunday morning for an hour, petitioning the Lord for the rain and wind to halt while we have our service.  I could boldly pray Sunday at the camp because I was already “prayed up” up to that point.  Also, I knew that many people I had asked were praying this morning. I now rested in the Lord.

Jonathan came to play his guitar for our service!

     Many people were now arriving.  Jonathan came to play his guitar for our service.  Heather brought some wonderful people from her church who love the “least of these.”  We ended up with over 40 homeless men and women, plus the ministers and guests.  This is the most we have had so far.  It could be the pre-Christmas gift we promised all the homeless if they attended the service!

When the service started, the air was still - no wind, not even a breeze; nothing but calm!

     I started preaching on “faith,” speaking about faith like a mustard seed, when I suddenly realized that the wind had died completely.  I raised my hands up and asked everyone, “Do you all feel any wind?”  A few raised their hands up to test the air.  It remained that way until the service was over.  It started raining again at the end of the service, but everyone was able to move around under the pavilion at that time.
     The air was still – no wind, not even a breeze; nothing but calm!  My heart was pounding as I continued with the sermon, but inwardly I was praising and thanking my Lord Jesus Christ who was making himself so very real to me today.  

Heather brought some guests who were a big help! Debbie (far left, the grandma), then Katie (12 years old, the daughter), Amanda (the mama), Jared (14 years old, the son) and  Chris (in stripped shirt, the daddy).
Then Jonathan, playing the guitar. 

     We gave each homeless who were present at the service a crucifix on a neck cord (Bill, Paul and I had purchased these for the homeless).  On each crucifix, I had Super-glued a mustard seed at the feet of Jesus.  I shared with them that to get more faith they must read the word humbly – at the feet of Jesus.  They loved their crucifixes!  I also encouraged them to tell others why there was a mustard seed on their crucifix.

Every homeless person at the service received a free crucifix!

     We then had the most spaghetti we have ever cooked at an end-of-the-month dinner.  Thank God we had so many amazing and loving volunteers, today.  I wish I had had time to write all their names down because I have a good “forgetter.”  But God knows who they are and hopefully I will get to know them better as they return to serve the “least of these” in the future.

Pollyanna serving up the Parmesan cheese and chips to JJ!

     I wanted to fellowship and hug everyone.  But, before I knew it the spaghetti was all gone; every single meat ball was plumped in a plate; the fresh-baked, French bread was gone; and we were almost out of cheese.  Paul had brought the drinks and chips, which were passed out by a wonderful, loving (but tough) young lady whose name is Pollyanna.

Serving up firsts, seconds and thirds! Chris (L) serving French bread
and Paul (R) dishing out the spaghetti.

Servants of the Lord loving on the children of God!
Katie on far right, behind Amanda, her mom.


Leila says, "The homemade fudge is maaaaarvelous, my dear!"
Bernadette, who lives on a small bus with her husband, is on the left.
Ahhhhhhh!  Grandma Debbie and Katie (R)

Jail birds; Stosh and Mari

      I will end this post with the latest jail birds of the week; Stosh and Mari!  It was their turn to be in jail this week.  They were arrested for open container (beer) in public.  They spent a couple of days in jail until court day when the judge threw out the charges because the charging officer had filled out the report incorrectly.  They were immediately released, after which they celebrated with – you guessed it – an open container of beer!

Good night, folks, and God bless y’all!

Do that face know...that face you do.
WOW, man..that is "baaaaad!
You look seriously constipated, dude!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
For our French brothers and sisters:
"Dieu a choisi les choses folles du monde pour confondre les sages; Dieu a choisi les choses faibles du monde pour confondre les fortes; et Dieu a choisi les choses vile du monde et celles qu'on méprise, celles qui ne sont point, pour réduire au néant celles qui son, afin que nulle chair ne se glorifie devant Dieu."  1 Corinthiens 1:27-29



Thursday, November 20, 2014

UNDER THE BRIDGE: What In God's Name Are They Eating?

Since this blog is being read in about 30 countries, we are greeting one country every time a post is written.  This week we say, “Hello” to our brothers and sisters in the Spanish speaking countries: Blessings and healing from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him all the glory now and forever!
Las bendiciones y la sanación que de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo.  A él sea la gloria ahora y siempre!

What is he eating?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

     Would you feed your family the same food day after day?  I hope not!  You may have a mutiny on your hands.
     It took two steady hands to get the icebox off my truck.  Two saints of God quickly came forward to help me carry it, asking, “What’s you got in there?” as they carried it under the pavilion at the Bay Side Park Camp.
     I usually bring them cheeseburgers from McDonalds every Sunday for the past few months (except the last Sunday of the month when we cook them a full, hot, spaghetti dinner).  But, not today.
     “No cheeseburgers, today, guys,” I answered.  There were no sad faces!
     “Today we are having fresh hotdogs with mustard, ketchup and heaped with chili (sloppy joe)!”  There suddenly were plenty of happy faces.
     In the icebox was a large pot full of 72 hotdogs in boiling water, and a smaller pot with steaming chili.  I had heated them at home and immediately inserted the two pots in the icebox.  Those two items stayed hot in that icebox the whole afternoon.  They quickly gathered around to get their two hotdogs, served just how they liked them.

Steaming hot hotdogs out of the icebox!

     Paul was with me, and Heather and Jonathan had come down from Milton (about 45 minutes away) to minister along with us.  I thank god for our ministers and for the homeless we are able to love and care for by the power of the Word of God in us.  Glory to God!
     If I was to write a personal testimony about all the homeless children of God I have the pleasure of ministering to; and if I was to write about how all our wonderful servants of God came to minister to the homeless…well…I would be writing every day for at least the next year.  I am humbled to be so blessed by a most Holy and Loving God.  To Him all the glory and honor!

Heather (L) and Mari (R) having a little girl talk!

     However, in the coming weeks I will be writing the testimony of a few of our people.  We have had some miraculous answers to prayers, as some were healed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and I want to share those experiences with you.  We also have some of our ministers (such as Heather) who have amazing testimonies which will encourage, strengthen and edify you.  
     Thank God that in our city He has touched people’s hearts to feed the homeless every day of the week. Not only are there many churches who offer meals (whether breakfast, lunch or dinner), but there are also individuals who go in the street to feed the hungry Monday through Friday. However, there are fewer options for the homeless to be fed on the weekend.  We are blessed that Dennis, one of our most consistent minister, fixes hot, wholesome meals for the homeless EVERY Saturday.
     On  Sundays, Paul also brings the homeless all kinds of flavored chips and Pepsi, Mountain Dew and water to drink.  Bill, who is sick this weekend, had dropped off fruit pies for us to pass out for desert.  Bill had pneumonia and is recuperating at home after getting out of the hospital.  We pray for his quick recovery, as the homeless do miss him very much.
     Sarah, my precious daughter-in-law, has suggested we fix the homeless Minestrone Soup with Pasta, Beans and Vegetables.  It sounds yummy, filling and economical.  She has a very successful blog which helps people, who do not otherwise have time, plan amazing weekly menus (  She is not only a fantastic chef to her family of five, but to her neighborhood also!
     Anyone out there have any other ideas on what to feed the homeless?  Please let me know (my email address is in the first post - ATTENTION...).

Heather and Jonathan thoughtfully brought some extra food the homeless can take with them!

     What’s more important; going to “church” or ministering the love of Jesus Christ to the “least of these?  What’s more important; praying or reading the Word of God?
      When the end of the month approaches, there is usually less and less drinking, as the money from the first of the month dries up.  However, today seems to be an exception!  Many of them have been drinking.  That is their handicap as much as a paraplegic who cannot walk is handicapped.  Do we still love them as much?  Yes!  Do we lovingly minister to them?  Yes!  Do they still get their hugs?  Yes!  Don’t you know Revival is coming, and the Lord will miraculously heal them!  They will see life and the Lord with a new heart.  They will become a new container for the “new wine.”  They will have been reformed and revived.  Glory to God; that day is coming soon!

Jonathan and Mari.  Mari wants to share her favorite Psalm from her little Psalm Book!

     Today, we stay with them longer than usual.  There seems to be a deeper need for fellowship in Christ.  We don’t hear any cussing (we hardly ever do).  They act more like a family, needing one another.  We catch up on the latest news.
     For example; it’s Chris’s turn to be in jail this week (child support).  What’s the point of putting a homeless man in jail because he’s not paying child support?   Why don’t they help him find a job, instead?  He has been looking and is willing to work.

Jersey went to jail so Chris inherited the dog.  Chris went to jail so Kojak is now
the owner of Brianna.  Be careful Kojak!

     Though the temperature is a pleasant 72 degrees (F) today, the temperatures have been as low as 26 degrees (F) this week, and some of the homeless have been staying with friends or relatives.  But, as with Chris with the dog named Mouse, a lady in a van stopped while they were in the park and asked Chris and Jeff if they wanted a place to stay during this cold.  We haven’t seen them the past three or four days.  I hope everything worked out.  Some people will offer a place to stay in exchange for work they need to have done.  Fair deal.

Jeff (L) and Chris (R) with Mouse.  Kidnapped by a woman in a white van!

     Some others will go to a homeless shelter, whether it be a church or a mission.  They only stay there as long as they need to, as their freedom is severely curtailed.  There is no drinking and they have to abide by the strict rules.

Kojak ready for the cold weather!

     After everyone ate, Jonathan played the guitar and gave his testimony.  He has come up a rough way, spending some time in jail, himself.  But his heart is given to the Lord and he comes on Sundays to minister to the homeless.  He has been challenged to stay with the homeless at this camp for one week.  He is seriously thinking of accepting the challenge in order to understand their situation in a deeper way.  When he goes through with it, I will give you a daily update on this blog.  I guarantee it will be very interesting!

Jonathan giving his testimony and ministering to all through music.
Heather (seated) brought a big box of clothing which the homeless are sorting through.

I was finally able to give Suzanne the scarf she had requested!
Someone donated this beautiful scarf, along with other clothing.

      As Heather and I were sitting on the bench of the picnic table, she was telling me the amazing testimony of her walk with God while I was taking notes for a future post.  At the end of the bench seat was the icebox with the leftover hotdogs and chili.  I was so into what she was sharing, I absentmindedly leaned on the icebox, and down it went, spilling its contents on the concrete slab with a loud clanging noise! 
     Everyone turned around and looked at us as if we were children who had misbehaved!  But the dogs were very happy with my clumsiness and feasted on the hotdogs, followed by the pigeons who finished up the chili. 

The spilled hotdogs and chili were not wasted!!!

     The homeless love their pets and take very good care of them.  Some will panhandle on a street corner just so the dog can get proper food and care.  The dogs in this camp are very friendly, loving and playful.   It’s hard to say whose dog they are, as the whole camp loves on them and takes care of them.  If a dog owner goes to jail, someone else becomes owner of the dog.  Having a dog while panhandling brings in more donations!

Brianna and Stosh (R)

     As the sun starts to disappear behind the trees, the homeless start heading towards their place of rest.  It is time to prepare for the cold night ahead.  One by one, they come to shake hands or get their hug, as they depart.  We bless them in the name of Jesus, and we sadly watch them walk away.  We will miss them until we meet again.
     We say goodbye to Heather and Jonathan, as Paul and I get ready to go for a quick visit to one more camp.  There are still five hotdogs left in the pot, and we must find some homeless saint of God to feed and minister to.  Glory to God!

Good night, folks, and God bless y’all!

Brianna (R) is teaching the little newbie how to be a good disciple of Jesus Christ,
and how to love everybody!

El rey le contestará, ' te digo la verdad, sea lo que sea para uno de estos hermanos míos, lo hicieron por mí.'  Matthew 25, 40


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

UNDER THE BRIDGE: One For All, And All For One!

Since this blog is being read in about 30 countries, we are greeting one country every time a post is written.  This week we say, “Hello to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, and may The Lord Jesus Christ keep you safe and bless you richly.”
Привіт наших українських братів і сестер, і може Господа Ісуса Христа, тримати вас у безпеці і благословить вас рясно.
(I worked all night on this translation.  I hope I got it right!) 

 John the Hugger (Left) and Paul the Chip Man (R) fellowship in the Florida sunshine

Sunday, November 9, 2014

     Kim, one of our avid blog followers, asked me, “Jean-Luc.”
     “Yes Kim.”
     “Were you out ministering last Sunday (Nov. 2)?”
     “Yes, we were.  Why?”
     “I didn’t see a post in your blog about it.”
     “I know this is a blog about homeless reality, but on that day it became too realistic!  After all, this is a Christian blog on which I try to report upbeat stories.  Last Sunday’s events were meant to remain between me and the homeless involved.” 
     As I ministered last Sunday, most stories were a little too “raw” to include in this blog.  I don’t include stories about homeless sexuality, homosexuality (which the homeless don’t tolerate in their camp), fights and crimes (which may incriminate someone), traumatic emotional events, or conversations which were entrusted to me as I ministered to them in the position of pastor.
     Sometimes we just have days that don’t work out.  Everyone might be cranky, or drunk, or upset, or argumentative, or depressed, or moody, or all of the above!  And that’s OK.  The homeless are as human as YOU are.  If writing about an event doesn’t edify, comfort or strengthen my readers, I will not write it.
     I respect and honor the dignity of the homeless.  Would you want someone to write about all the “skeletons” in your closet for the whole world to read?
     If you want to know all of someone’s faults, just ask their enemies.  I am not that person.
     Having said that, I must tell you that crimes against children are not tolerated by our ministry, and are reported to the proper authorities for immediate action.  These are crimes the homeless will not tolerate, either.  Praise God.
     Keeping in mind what was written above, I do want to share with you the stirring reality of a very few of the many homeless we love and minister to on a weekly basis.  I have other posts on this blog which have covered some more of the “reality” of these homeless adventurers.  Please check out the other posts for more of their amazing stories which will certainly minister to you.

Gary - homeless by choice!
     To write about Gary’s adventures would require my writing a book?  He has DRIVEN from Alaska to Panama, in Central America.  And, when they let him out of jail, he drove all the way back!  I am not going to cover that right now.  I could listen to Gary’s adventures for hours on end – and he loves to tell them.
     Today, he is talking about preparations he is making to drive from Key West, Florida, at mile marker “0,” to mile marker “0” at Dead Horse Bay, on the Arctic Ocean in Alaska – a drive of about 12,000 miles (including stops to visit old friends)! 
     Gary tells me that he is homeless by choice.  He now has a very nice van which is well equipped, though he and a friend are getting a new, diesel, 4-wheel drive van for this special trip.  Gary has lived in Alaska, working as a fisherman for years.  He was homeless at that time, also, making his home in a tent on a rocky beach just out of town.
     Today, he tells me about a drive he and his wife took to Mexico City about thirty years ago.  It was winter time, with freezing weather, when they got lost and ended up in the “bad” part of town at night.  As he was driving a narrow street, he noticed to his right a young girl huddled against a doorway of a dilapidated building for protection from the cold wind.  She was dressed with a light blouse and a very short skirt.  Slowly driving by, he noticed that she did not have any hands!
     He and his wife immediately stopped. He got out of his car, walked up to the young girl and gave her a twenty dollar bill for her to find a place to stay and get out of the cold weather. When they got back in the car, he looked in the rearview mirror to see the girl walking away to find warmer shelter.
     As she walked past the opening of an alley, several young men came out to meet her.  They fought with her to get the money she was clutching tightly to her chest.  She wrestled free from them and hopelessly ran a few steps in her bare feet before they caught up with her and proceeded to punch and kick her, stealing her twenty dollar bill.
     Seething with the injustice of this impossible sight, Gary got out of his car to walk back to the young girl.  Before he reached the girl, a police car quickly approached and came to a screeching stop between him and the young girl sitting in the street, crying.
     The policeman came out of his car and yelled at him that as a tourist, he did not belong in this part of town, and threatening him, told him that he needed to leave immediately.  Gary reluctantly walked back to his car and slowly started to drive away.  About a short half a block away, he looked up in his rearview mirror to see the police car driving away, leaving the scantily dressed, barefoot young girl sitting on the cold cobblestone street, crying.

She didn't have any hands, and she was barefoot...

     Having been transported thirty years into the past while telling me this story, Gary, distantly gazing through me, said, “Man, she didn’t have any hands and she was barefoot.  It was so cold.”                 Gary is seventy-one years old.

Kojak, "The dog ate my sleeping bag!"

       Kojak is a very scarred individual – that is, he falls on hard surfaces when drunk and suffers bruises and/or cuts which leave scars on various aspects of his anatomy.  Not long ago he fell on the rocks which he had to cross to get to his camp for the night.  He got all cut up and broke a couple of ribs which left him in pain and with difficulty breathing for a couple of weeks.  Of course, he gets picked on for such carelessness.
     Today, he has a different kind of problem.  “Jean-Luc?”
     “Yea, Kojak.”
     “I need a sleeping bag,” he asks, knowing that thirty degree weather is coming at the end of the week.
     “I thought you had one.”
     “The dog ate it!”
     “Brianna (the dog) chewed it so bad, the bag has holes all over it!”
     Everybody loves Kojak (except when he doesn’t wear deodorant!).  Who doesn’t love a bartender – which he was for a number of years?  If you want to know a good joke – ask Kojak.
     So I answer him, “I’ll see what I can do, Kojak.”

Chris - Swashbuckling keeper of the peace!

      If Kojak is the bartender, Chris is the club bouncer; the “peace-keeper.”  He is the swashbuckling “Guardian-of-the-Galaxy” type of guy!  Yep, you guessed it – he gets bruised and cut, and is also scarred, but the camp is safer by him.  But today, his bruise has a different origin – he pulled a Kojak!  But how does he get so hurt by drinking?  Well, he might have kissed the pavement.  Or, maybe, someone threw a bridge at him and he didn’t duck in time!
     Mari also has a bruise on her upper lip.  What?  Is this type of bruising contagious?  Maybe they’re all drinking from the same bottle of beer! 
     However, Mari’s problem comes from the most common source of serious accidents amongst the homeless – riding a bicycle while intoxicated; an RUI!  She’s not only bruised, but she also lost one of her precious front tooth; sheared right at the gum line (or maybe it’s “teeth”).  She won’t really talk to me about it because she knows I’ll lay hands on her and pray for her!
     “Chris, what happened?”
     “Well…Mari and I have a big problem with concrete!”

Chris, “Guardian of the Galaxy,” and Princess Mari (with one i)
 – the only thing they fear is…concrete!

     I will petition the city council to remove all concrete where the homeless congregate.  What happened to those good, old-fashioned, wood boardwalks, anyhow?

Hey, Jack, I thought you said you got a haircut?

      “Jack, when did you get your haircut?”
     “I got it at the Veterans ‘Stand Down’ giveaway.”
       That is the day the VA gives out many things to the homeless veterans who are able to show up – sleeping bags, backpacks, clothes, supplies, medical and dental checkups, and…haircuts.
      “They asked me when I got my last haircut.  I told them, exactly a year ago.  When they asked me where, I told them right here, in that very same chair I’m sitting in today.  And before that, it was a year before …yep…you guessed it…in that very same chair.”  The VA “Stand Down” is held every year.
     Without any further prompting, Jack started telling us about one of the many ways God has blessed him.
     He tells us that he was walking in town one weekend when they were having a footrace.  He stood on the corner of the street when he notice a 100 dollar bill in the street in front of him!  But just then, hundreds of runners came through with not one of them noticing it.  As soon as most of them had gone by, our man Jack on-the-spot, boldly stepped in the street and quickly took unchallenged ownership of a 100 dollar bill. 
     Can you imagine his excitement?  So, Jack went straight to McDonald’s and had himself a good meal.  On the way out, he says he distinctly heard the Lord speak to his heart to now share that money with someone else.
     As he was walking down the street wondering what the Lord meant, he came upon a man sitting by the sidewalk looking rather haggard.  Jack knew by that man’s shaking that the small shot bottle laying by his side had just not been enough.
     “Why didn’t you get a bigger bottle?” Jack asked him.
     “Don’t have no more money,” was the answer.
     So Jack reached in his pocket and gave the man a five dollar bill, saying, “Here, go get yourself a pint.”
     About two months later, Jack, who collects aluminum cans for money, went into a store only to find he had not collected enough cans that day to buy himself a substantial drink.  The store was too dark, and he was fumbling through the shot bottles looking for his “flavor” when a man approached him and said, “Not enough money for a drink?” as he handed Jack a five dollar bill.  It was the same man to whom Jack had given a five dollar bill a couple months before!
     “Well, Jean-Luc, I must admit – a man reaps what he sows no matter where he’s at, uh?

John - In a wheelchair yesterday, walking today!

     I could tell you the story of John who now has a leg prosthesis rather than a wheelchair (see blog dated 8/11, The Lazarus Issue).  Paul made an appointment with the prosthesis expert, I took him to his appointment, and Medicaid paid for it.  John now walks with hardly a limp!
John, "Soon, I'm gonna be able to run.  I want you to take a picture of that!"

Chris and Mouse are a miracle!
     There are stories, and then there are miracles.  Chris, who doesn’t drink, but loves his laptop video games, lost Mouse (his smiling, lovable Pit Bull) one Thursday, a couple of weeks ago.  Mouse slipped his harness and took off.  Chris prayed to the Lord that He would bring Mouse back to him.  This was the first time Chris had prayed to Jesus.  He gave the Lord one week – until the next Friday – to bring Mouse back before he looked for another dog.
     Chris agonized at the loss of his “best friend” for the whole week.  He had had Mouse for the past three years.  They were inseparable.  Everyone in downtown Pensacola knew Mouse, the gentle Pit Bull.  Many people prayed for Mouse to return...adds were put in the lost and found…someone offered a $100 dollar reward…all to no avail.
     I will make a long story short because as God would have it, He sent Mouse back to Chris at 9:30 that Friday morning.  I was there that Friday morning after Mouse came back to Chris.
Chris, "It was the first time I prayed!"

     Chris told me, “Right after God sent Mouse back to me I sat here on this park bench and I looked over there, right across from me, where the wind blew a twenty dollar bill on the ground - which I picked up!”  Chris gave the glory to God.
     Is God good or what? 
     There are more;
I could tell you about Jeff, Chris's friend...

...or Kid (left) and Mike (right)...
...and Kevin...
...and Bill...and...

     Well, Good night, folks, and God bless y’all.

Hey guys...he's gonna take our picture...line up...ahhh...come on guys...
they wanna know your story, too...
Цар відповість, ' я сказати по правді, все, що ви зробили на одному з найменших братів мій, ви зробили для мене. "  Matthew 25:40