Wednesday, November 26, 2014

UNDER THE BRIDGE: The Miracles at the Park!

Since this blog is being read in about 30 countries, we are greeting one country every time a post is written.  This week we say, “Bonjour,” to our brothers and sisters in France (and all other French-speaking countries): Blessings and healing from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him all the glory now and forever!
Bénédictions et la guérison de notre Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus-Christ.  Pour lui, toute la gloire, maintenant et à jamais!

Suzanne (on left, a few Sundays ago) reading her Bible; very shy and very sick!
Suzanne did not look up or speak.

 Sunday, November 23, 2014

     “She’s very sick, you know, she could lose her leg!”  He seemed to be agitated when he said this to me.
     I had never seen him before and I didn’t know who he was.
     “What are you talking about, man?”
     “She’s shy and doesn’t talk much, but you’ve got to know she needs help!”
     He took me by the arm and encouraged me to come and see a lady seated at a picnic table at our end-of-the-month service and dinner.  My ministers were out that day and I was the only one preaching and cooking that afternoon, on the last Sunday of the month.  I had been too busy to notice that someone was hurting physically, and was in need.
     “Suzanne,” he said, “tell him what’s happening to your leg.”
     Suzanne did not look up or speak.
     “She’s shy and won’t ask.”
     “And you’re her manager?”  I asked.
     He turned back to Suzanne without answering my question, “Let him see your leg, Suzanne.”  Then he turned to me and said, “It’s all red and swollen.  She’s got an infection.  She went to the doctor’s this morning, and he gave her a prescription for antibiotics.  But, she can’t afford it.”
     I turned to Suzanne, “Is that true, Suzanne?”  If I was going to help her, I needed more answers.
     “Yes” she softly answered.  At the urging of her friend, she raised her pant leg to her knee so I could see the problem.  Half her lower leg was bright red and the whole leg was swollen.  She was weak and tired.  The doctor had told her she had a staph infection.  She showed me the doctor’s note and prescription.  It was typically not an expensive antibiotic.
     “Do you drink, Suzanne?
     “If I give you the money for the prescription, you won’t buy alcohol or drugs?
     “No, I wouldn’t.”
     “I can’t take you to the pharmacy for another hour or so.”
     But the man jumped in and said, “I can take her now.”
     I don’t usually give money to the homeless.  “Will ten dollars cover the cost of the prescription?”
     “It’s only about six dollars,” she replied weakly. 
     I gave her a ten dollar bill, and then said, “Here’s the money, but I’m going to pray for your healing right now.  Is that all right?”
     “She nodded her head.” 
     I prayed a quick prayer, “Lord Jesus, heal Suzanne’s leg and also all the infection in her whole body.  We trust in you, oh Lord, and give you all the Glory.  In Jesus’s name.  Amen.”
     They left.

     The next Sunday, I saw Suzanne again and asked her about her leg.  This time she was perky, talkative and very active.  She was smiling and did not appear to be “shy” at all.  As I approached her, she lifted the lower portion of her pants to show me the lower leg had all healed up.  She was beaming at me.

She lifted the lower portion of her pants to show
me the lower leg all healed up!

     “So,” I said, “the antibiotics worked?”
     “The prayer worked!” she answered.
     “What do you mean?”
     “It was all healed up the very next morning!  I was completely well!  One dose of antibiotics doesn’t work that fast!” she happily testified.  “However, I did take them for the rest of the week,”
     “Glory to God?”  I asked.
     “Glory to God!” she joyfully replied.
     I never saw the “man” after that first time last week.  Neither did Suzanne.  In fact, she didn’t know who he was, either.

     Bill, Paul and I walked into Jack’s camp to see him sitting in his favorite, beat-up lawn chair under the shade of the oak trees.  But something was wrong.  Not only had all color drained from his face, but he was shaking like a leaf on a tree in a wind storm.  Whereas he normally greets us with a smile and a handshake, he was now frozen to that chair.

Jack during better days, same spot!

     “Brother, are you all right?  How long has this been going on?”  I asked, seriously concerned for his health.
     “If I can get up, I can’t walk ten feet I’m so weak,” he said in a shaky voice.  He was drinking a beer which told me that the shakes were not from the lack of alcohol.  “It started about two weeks ago and got worse every day.” 
     We had come to see him because a few of the other caring homeless had mentioned that Jack looked bad, and all believed that he was dying.  I think that Jack believed that he was dying also.  After seeing him, I thought so too!
     He did not want to go to the hospital.  He was a believer in Jesus Christ; he was saved, and going to heaven.  He did not fear death.
     The Lord had told me a while back that Jack would see the beginning of the great, long-awaited revival that was soon to be upon us, coming out of the street.  Based on that, I knew Jack was not going to die here and now.
     I called Bill and Paul over to Jack, and as we all laid hands on him, I prayed for his healing.  Bill started smiling, feeling “full” of the Holy Spirit.  He felt the reality of the presence of the Lord healing Jack.
     After I prayed, Jack was still in that chair, just as weak.  I told him he must now eat, though he wasn’t hungry.  He had been throwing up everything he had tried to eat.  I thought I would fix him what I eat when I really don’t feel good – homemade, whipped, creamy mashed potatoes with butter, milk and salt.  He agreed.
     I immediately went home and fixed him a big pan of fresh mashed potatoes and took them back to him at his camp within about an hour.
     The next morning, I went to check on him and I see him walking back from the store!  He walks over to me and greets me as if he had never been sick.  What?
     He had eaten half of the pan of mashed potatoes the night before, and the other half for breakfast the next day – and he was feeling fine.  He kept them down and did not throw up.  His color was back, he did not feel weak and he was up and about.  Jack typically walks 20 miles a day looking for aluminum cans to sell for cash!
     He did not share with me until a few weeks later that he HAD been healed instantly.  He could feel his complete healing but was still weak from not having been able to keep any food down for the past week or so.  That’s why when Jesus healed some people, he would say, “Give him something to eat.”
     This was the second time that Jack had been healed by our prayer to our Lord and Healer, Jesus Christ.  Glory to God!

     Then there is the story of the homeless man devastated by the loss of his dog.  But by prayer, the Lord miraculously brought his dog back a week later (read post dated Nov. 12, 2014).  We gave all the glory to God!

     There is also the time the Lord answered my prayer for the rain to stop for our end-of-the-month service and dinner.  The rain stopped EXACTLY when I got there, and started back again exactly when we left (see post dated Sept. 29, 2014).  God glorified Himself through that sign.

     There are many more miraculous signs the Lord has given us in the street to glorify His Holy Name.  I hope to write about many more of them until there finally are so many that I can’t keep up writing about the wonderful Grace of God.  The signs seem to be increasing as time moves forward.  Revival is at hand for those who can truly love the “least of these” with the love of Jesus; and for those who are able to give ALL the glory to God from down deep in their soul for all that He does.
     I feel the earth beginning to slightly shake under my feet.  I am beginning to see a little dust stirring out of the tiny cracks in the street.  An earthquake is coming; a Revival is being birthed.  The Revival is not coming out of the established church, but out of the streets, as it was in Jesus’s days; this Revival is “street filtered.”

      Now, here we are today at the Bay Side Camp at our service and dinner.  All week long, the weather report had forecast a storm with heavy downpours, thunder and lightning, hail and winds of 20-30 miles per hour.  People had called me and said we would not be able to hold our meeting at all.  But, I thought, the homeless will be hungry on that day, and they count on us for a church service and hot food and family fellowship.

They count on us for hot food, fellowship and a church service!

     When I arrived at the pavilion at the camp, it was raining and windy, with heavy clouds threatening above.  The homeless that were there came and quickly offloaded my truck in preparation for the meal.  With Paul and his brother-in-law, Marshal, looking on, I prayed loudly, “Lord Jesus, if it be your will, let the rain stop,” and I began to give all glory and praise to His Holy Name.
     The rain immediately and completely stopped.
     Wondering what had just happened, Paul said, “The rain stopped!” as he looked at Marshal next to him (Marshal had driven from Jackson, Mississippi to be here with us).  A couple of homeless men who noticed, also said the same thing out loud, but as if to themselves.
     I then loudly prayed, raising my hand up, “Lord Jesus, let the sunshine come.  Let the Son shine on us.”  And I began to worship the Lord and glorify His Name again.
     It suddenly got brighter!  Not “sunny,” but definitely brighter.
     Paul, again, looks at me and at Marshal and says, “It just got sunny!”
     I then turn to Paul and Marshal and ask them, “Can we pray for the wind to stop, also?  Are we allowed to do that?” 
     I then prayed aloud again, “Lord, let the wind stop during our service so the Word may be given today.  I know you want your Word to be heard and received.  I believe that to be your will, oh Lord.”  I then praised and thanked Him, again giving Jesus Christ all the glory.
     Nothing happened.  The wind kept on blowing.
     All week long I had called everyone I knew to ask them to pray for our service to be free from the coming rough weather.  I had prayed every day leading to our Sunday.  I prayed Saturday night and Sunday morning for an hour, petitioning the Lord for the rain and wind to halt while we have our service.  I could boldly pray Sunday at the camp because I was already “prayed up” up to that point.  Also, I knew that many people I had asked were praying this morning. I now rested in the Lord.

Jonathan came to play his guitar for our service!

     Many people were now arriving.  Jonathan came to play his guitar for our service.  Heather brought some wonderful people from her church who love the “least of these.”  We ended up with over 40 homeless men and women, plus the ministers and guests.  This is the most we have had so far.  It could be the pre-Christmas gift we promised all the homeless if they attended the service!

When the service started, the air was still - no wind, not even a breeze; nothing but calm!

     I started preaching on “faith,” speaking about faith like a mustard seed, when I suddenly realized that the wind had died completely.  I raised my hands up and asked everyone, “Do you all feel any wind?”  A few raised their hands up to test the air.  It remained that way until the service was over.  It started raining again at the end of the service, but everyone was able to move around under the pavilion at that time.
     The air was still – no wind, not even a breeze; nothing but calm!  My heart was pounding as I continued with the sermon, but inwardly I was praising and thanking my Lord Jesus Christ who was making himself so very real to me today.  

Heather brought some guests who were a big help! Debbie (far left, the grandma), then Katie (12 years old, the daughter), Amanda (the mama), Jared (14 years old, the son) and  Chris (in stripped shirt, the daddy).
Then Jonathan, playing the guitar. 

     We gave each homeless who were present at the service a crucifix on a neck cord (Bill, Paul and I had purchased these for the homeless).  On each crucifix, I had Super-glued a mustard seed at the feet of Jesus.  I shared with them that to get more faith they must read the word humbly – at the feet of Jesus.  They loved their crucifixes!  I also encouraged them to tell others why there was a mustard seed on their crucifix.

Every homeless person at the service received a free crucifix!

     We then had the most spaghetti we have ever cooked at an end-of-the-month dinner.  Thank God we had so many amazing and loving volunteers, today.  I wish I had had time to write all their names down because I have a good “forgetter.”  But God knows who they are and hopefully I will get to know them better as they return to serve the “least of these” in the future.

Pollyanna serving up the Parmesan cheese and chips to JJ!

     I wanted to fellowship and hug everyone.  But, before I knew it the spaghetti was all gone; every single meat ball was plumped in a plate; the fresh-baked, French bread was gone; and we were almost out of cheese.  Paul had brought the drinks and chips, which were passed out by a wonderful, loving (but tough) young lady whose name is Pollyanna.

Serving up firsts, seconds and thirds! Chris (L) serving French bread
and Paul (R) dishing out the spaghetti.

Servants of the Lord loving on the children of God!
Katie on far right, behind Amanda, her mom.


Leila says, "The homemade fudge is maaaaarvelous, my dear!"
Bernadette, who lives on a small bus with her husband, is on the left.
Ahhhhhhh!  Grandma Debbie and Katie (R)

Jail birds; Stosh and Mari

      I will end this post with the latest jail birds of the week; Stosh and Mari!  It was their turn to be in jail this week.  They were arrested for open container (beer) in public.  They spent a couple of days in jail until court day when the judge threw out the charges because the charging officer had filled out the report incorrectly.  They were immediately released, after which they celebrated with – you guessed it – an open container of beer!

Good night, folks, and God bless y’all!

Do that face know...that face you do.
WOW, man..that is "baaaaad!
You look seriously constipated, dude!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
For our French brothers and sisters:
"Dieu a choisi les choses folles du monde pour confondre les sages; Dieu a choisi les choses faibles du monde pour confondre les fortes; et Dieu a choisi les choses vile du monde et celles qu'on méprise, celles qui ne sont point, pour réduire au néant celles qui son, afin que nulle chair ne se glorifie devant Dieu."  1 Corinthiens 1:27-29



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