Friday, May 12, 2017


         This word was given to me at a home meeting for the saints who know that a Revival is coming, but, nevertheless, needed encouragement to grow in the faith that God will do what He said he would do.  The Revival IS coming no matter what ignorant men may say or do to deny it!  
     This, the Lord says to you, saints of God:

     “Do not be discouraged.  When the tide goes out, are you discouraged because you do not know if it will come back in?  But the tide does come in, and it only comes so far and then goes back out again.  Do you sit on the shore and worry for the tide?  You trust me for the tide, trust me also for the purpose for which I have made you.
     Yes, men can build walls and hold the tide back and many may not see the rising of the tide, but the tide does come in. 
     However, one day – suddenly – the tide will rise and come over any walls men have put up and all will see the water which will flow.  The tide will come up and not stop coming.  Only I, the Lord, can do that.  And the water will rise higher and higher – suddenly and quickly – and it will cover all.
     Some will say, “It is just the tide and it will go back out.”  How can they say that when I am the God of the tide?  The tide will cover the whole land.  It will be a tide I have told many of my saints would come.
     They have watched the tide go in and out and have waited for the tide to suddenly continue coming in and flooding the land.  Those I have prepared will suddenly rejoice as they recognize what they have been waiting for so long.
     You will not miss it.  Don’t worry.  Wherever you are, my remnant bride, the rising tide will reach you.  Others will fear and wonder what is happening, but you will find fulfillment and rejoice.  While the tide now comes and goes, occupy yourselves with the good things of my Holy Spirit who will prepare you for the rising of the tide.  Go on, also conduct business and take care of your earthly needs.
     But when the tide finally comes in, you will be taking care of the things of the Holy Spirit.  That’s when I will flood the earth with my Holy Spirit to prepare my bride for my coming.”
     I give this to you in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the God of the “tide.”
     Well, y’all, good night and God bless you,


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Thursday, May 11, 2017

REVIVAL IN THE STREET: The Twelve-point Church Will Spearhead the Revival!

     What should a church establishment do which desires to be part of the Revival in its town or city?  This was the questions I asked the Lord in order to find such a church.  I have travelled in every one of our forty-eight continental states, from coast to coast, and have never found such a church in my entire life…until now (actually, 2011).  Praise God, such a church exists in my own home town!  The Lord has sent me to observe this church, and of a certainty I can tell you that this church will spearhead the acceptance of the Revival by the established church.
     The Lord had told me that upon finding that twelve-point church, the Revival would be ready to start in the street.  And now, this street Revival is very near, even at hand.  The Revival will originate in the street, and at a certain point will be accepted by established churches fulfilling the twelve points below.  Please notice; the Revival will not start in the church, but in the street.  I don’t know how long it will be in the street before it will be received by the organized church (this subject is addressed in my book The Word in the Street).    
     I rejoice about the church in my hometown that the Lord has raised to be at the forefront of receiving the Revival.  But know that God is raising up such churches in town after town, city after city throughout the entire world.  These amazing churches (gatherings of men, women, and children, old and young) will joyfully…

1.  Read, eat, drink, breath and live the Word of God; and obey the Holy Spirit in unity        and in love.
2.   Have regular prayer and worship times, other than Sundays.
3.  Prepare for home meetings.  Train as many home meeting leaders as possible.
4.  Prepare more workers (harvesters).
5.  Establish a street ministry and prepare supplies to be directly given to the poor and          homeless in your city.
6.  Establish a ministry specifically to minister outside the church walls to the children         of the poor and homeless in your city.
7.  Send saints in the street of your city consistently for consistent ministering.
     Everyone in the church who will be used in the Revival will have been “street                  filtered.”
8.  Prepare joyful, praise and worship music to bring to the street of your city.
9.  Seek to be ready to receive the Revival in and through the church.  Seek how the
     church can be used of the Lord.  Pray for the Revival and be accepting of it when it          first breaks out in the street.
10.Support those working in the street; those humble, lowly saints of God completely           committed to bringing the Word, healing, miracles, signs and wonders to the city,             glorifying the Father and the Son.
11.Document the Revival in any and all ways possible (video, live stream,
     social media, etc.) so it can reach as many people in the world as possible.
12. Give 100% of the glory to God at all times.

     This I give to you in the Name of Jesus Christ, our great Shepherd.

     Well, good night, y’all, and God bless you.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

REVIVAL IN THE STREET: How To Pray For The Revival!

     The Lord spoke to me on May 16, 2014.  Though the Lord spoke to me, this word applies to all who read it.  Learn what the Lord is saying to you.

     "I called you and you have ministered to the homeless. I asked you to give of your finances for the homeless, and you have.  That is a difficult thing to do.  But now I am asking something from my disciples which is hardest to do.  You would surrender to death more easily than you would surrender to this – for in prayer, there is no self-glory.  It does not satisfy the man.  Prayer is meant for the spirit.  Prayer honors God.
     When I ask you to pray, I am asking you to honor Me, says the Lord.  All my disciples have had problems with prayer.
     You must not just pray, but STEP into prayer.
     You don’t go into prayer on your own – I take you there.  I am your Father; my name is Holy.  Step into my Holiness.  I make that possible. 
     My kingdom is coming.  Step into my kingdom – I will take your there to dwell for ever and ever. 
     I will provide for you; do not worry.  Come and bow before Me and pray.  I will minister to you your daily bread.
     Come to Me in prayer and I will cleanse you and forgive you all your sins so that you may know how to forgive others.  I will take you there.
     Come and bow down before Me to glorify my Holy Name and I will deliver you from evil.  When you are in my presence, there is no temptation; but peace, holiness and pure life.
     Why would you not want more of this thing called prayer?  Come into my presence and I will receive you and take you to parts you have not known.  I will teach you.  I will make of you a vessel of Holy Spirit love and power.  In prayer.
     I invite you into my home and ask you to come to my throne, when I call you to prayer.  In prayer, I can speed things up in you.
     There is nothing you can hold on to in this world that matches what I can give you or how I can touch you through prayer.
     The question is not how to pray or when to pray.  The question is why not pray?  Joyfully run to prayer.  Hopefully ask in prayer.  Faithfully seek in prayer.  Come running to spend time with Me, my little children, that we may spend time together and bless each other.
     Bring an empty plate in prayer, and I will fill it heaping full that you may feed the hungry.  Bring a large vessel in prayer that I may fill it with new wine.  Bring a large container in prayer that I may fill it to overflow with oil.
     Why should you not come to prayer?  Do you now have all you need to give to others in need?  Gladly put aside all, so that you may come to the storehouse - to the source of all that is good, and holy and plentiful – abundant blessings.
     Put aside all that you have and run to come at my feet.  Grab me with your heart, soul, mind, strength, hands and arms – and don’t let Me go, says the Lord, until I have recognized you and given you your blessing and your anointing.
     I have given, and I will continue to give you revival, so YOU can get in the street and give revival to others.
     I will give you healing, so you can give healing to others.
     You have seen miracles in your life, so you can give miracles to others.
     I have given you wonders and revelation and teachings, so you may give thusly to others.
     Come, pray at my feet that I may give to you, so you may give plentifully in my name.  I will glorify my Name through those who come and pray to Me, the One and only God, the Everlasting.
     I am calling you to prayer. 
     You have said, "If it is you, Lord, tell me to come.” 
     I now ask you to come.  It is time to step out of the boat.  I will give you to walk on water, so you may lead others to walk on the water, also.
     As often as you bow down in prayer to Me, I will meet you and I will have fellowship with you.  As often as you bow down to Me, I will give to you so you may give to others all that the Father has.
     Go and glorify the Father in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ.
     Bow down to me all night and I will feed you all night so that you may go and feed others."
     I give this to you in the name of Jesus.
     Well, good night, y'all, and God bless you,                                                                             Jean-Luc