Friday, May 12, 2017


         This word was given to me at a home meeting for the saints who know that a Revival is coming, but, nevertheless, needed encouragement to grow in the faith that God will do what He said he would do.  The Revival IS coming no matter what ignorant men may say or do to deny it!  
     This, the Lord says to you, saints of God:

     “Do not be discouraged.  When the tide goes out, are you discouraged because you do not know if it will come back in?  But the tide does come in, and it only comes so far and then goes back out again.  Do you sit on the shore and worry for the tide?  You trust me for the tide, trust me also for the purpose for which I have made you.
     Yes, men can build walls and hold the tide back and many may not see the rising of the tide, but the tide does come in. 
     However, one day – suddenly – the tide will rise and come over any walls men have put up and all will see the water which will flow.  The tide will come up and not stop coming.  Only I, the Lord, can do that.  And the water will rise higher and higher – suddenly and quickly – and it will cover all.
     Some will say, “It is just the tide and it will go back out.”  How can they say that when I am the God of the tide?  The tide will cover the whole land.  It will be a tide I have told many of my saints would come.
     They have watched the tide go in and out and have waited for the tide to suddenly continue coming in and flooding the land.  Those I have prepared will suddenly rejoice as they recognize what they have been waiting for so long.
     You will not miss it.  Don’t worry.  Wherever you are, my remnant bride, the rising tide will reach you.  Others will fear and wonder what is happening, but you will find fulfillment and rejoice.  While the tide now comes and goes, occupy yourselves with the good things of my Holy Spirit who will prepare you for the rising of the tide.  Go on, also conduct business and take care of your earthly needs.
     But when the tide finally comes in, you will be taking care of the things of the Holy Spirit.  That’s when I will flood the earth with my Holy Spirit to prepare my bride for my coming.”
     I give this to you in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the God of the “tide.”
     Well, y’all, good night and God bless you,


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